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Our Ethical Standards

Our ethical standards supplement local regulatory requirements. We follow these principles in all we do, whatever our role in the firm. We take both personal and collective responsibility for ensuring that our actions comply with these standards and will challenge non-compliance where we see it.

We act in the best interests of our clients

We strive to act with skill and care and do not allow the firm’s or our personal interests to prejudice our clients’ interests.

We uphold high standards of professional behaviour and are uncompromising in our integrity

We abide by professional rules which apply to us as lawyers, members of other professions or as people working in a professional services firm and we observe the firm’s internal policies and guidelines designed to help us comply with these rules.

We are open, respectful and fair in our dealings with everyone within and outside the firm

This applies to dealings with, amongst others, colleagues, clients, adversaries, other advisers, suppliers, courts and regulatory bodies and investigators appointed by these bodies. We are an inclusive organisation, actively avoiding discrimination and actively promoting the value of a diverse workforce.

We respect the rule of law and encourage others to do so

We abide by the law. We do not assist anyone to break the law, provide or accept corrupt payments, gifts or benefits, or participate in money laundering or insider dealing or knowingly help others to do any of these things.

We act honestly and do not participate in dishonesty by others

We speak the truth. We do not falsify documents or knowingly mislead in any circumstances, whether in writing or otherwise.

We respect confidential information that we receive

This includes information confidential to the firm, its people, its clients or third parties. We maintain procedures to prevent improper or accidental disclosure to third parties or misuse of confidential information. We do not use confidential information for our own personal gain or for that of others.

We act at all times to uphold the reputation of the firm

Any appearance of impropriety in our conduct, whether in our business or personal capacity, could damage the reputation of the firm.

We recognise our role in building a fairer society

We use our legal and business expertise to help not-for-profit organisations be more informed, more resilient and more effective. The U.N. Sustainable Development Goals provide a framework for this and also for our work facilitating access to employment for under-represented groups. We have a longstanding commitment to local communities and promote participation in pro bono and community investment projects as a good thing for our firm and our people as well as wider society.

Our Team Linklaters Way: Our Values and Behaviours

Our Team Linklaters Way outlines our shared global values and our commitments to each other, our clients and society, how we conduct our business as individuals and what makes us Team Linklaters. Our values are underpinned by our ethical standards and professional responsibilities.

Find out more about our Values

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Protecting Our People

We expect the highest standards of behaviour by all of our people at all times. We ensure that the environment in which our people work is an inclusive one, where equality of opportunity and respect for each other is non-negotiable. We do not tolerate behaviours that are inconsistent with either our culture and values or with local employment laws.

Our HR policies and guidelines exist to reinforce the right behaviours. These cover, among other things: anti-bullying and harassment; equal opportunities; discipline, performance and attendance; preventing alcohol and drug abuse; how to raise grievances; and managing personal relationships at work. Where concerns are raised, we investigate and ensure that all necessary action is taken.

Our Compliance Responsibilities

The firm has key policies and associated training to support all of us in fulfilling our compliance responsibilities and to protect the reputation of the firm. Our key policies are summarised below:

Combating financial crime

Breaches of financial crime laws such as sanctions, anti-money laundering or counter-terrorist financing (together “FC”) can lead to criminal liability for individuals and the firm. We should each be familiar with our FC obligations, including any reporting requirements; ensure that customer due diligence is conducted before starting work for new clients; understand the risk profile of our clients and matters; remain alert to key FC risks throughout the duration of our client relationships and matters; and be aware of the jurisdictions/sectors targeted by sanctions. If any of us comes across a FC issue, we should discuss this with the Risk team or with the partner responsible for FC compliance in the relevant jurisdiction.

Competition and avoiding anti-competitive behaviour

We are prohibited by law from being involved in anti-competitive agreements or conduct. Competition and antitrust laws impose severe penalties upon firms and, in some jurisdictions, impose criminal sanctions upon individuals who violate the laws. We should follow appropriate rules of engagement in discussions with other firms or third party suppliers. In particular, we should not discuss matters such as fees, liability caps and other terms of engagement, salaries or other terms of employment and suppliers’ terms such as pricing.

Complaints and claims against the firm

We always aim to provide our clients with excellent client service. However, where a client is dissatisfied with our level of service, we will work with that client to rectify the situation quickly and efficiently. If a mistake has been made or a client notifies us of a potential negligence claim against the firm, we will escalate the matter to an appropriate partner and team, and ensure that it is handled in accordance with our internal procedures.

Confidentiality and non-disclosure

We must not disclose or make use of any confidential client or Linklaters information inside or outside the firm other than in the proper performance of our work. Failure to adequately protect confidential information could lead to potential legal and regulatory claims. In some jurisdictions, a breach of professional secrecy rules may also amount to a criminal offence.

Conflicts and acceptance of new business

We should always clear conflicts for a new role (or a material change to an existing role) before accepting instructions or commencing work, by undertaking a conflicts check (and new client checks where appropriate).

Data protection and information security

We apply high standards to all personal information that we handle and comply with applicable data protection legislation. We are each responsible for the security of the information we handle and must comply with the firm’s Information Security Policy. We should ensure that we treat all personal data appropriately and in accordance with our Privacy Policies.

Dealing in securities

We are obliged to keep all information about our clients and matters confidential, and not to exploit it for personal gain. Any individual who buys or sells listed securities whilst possessing inside information may commit a criminal offence. We must not buy or sell listed securities without specific prior approval.

Outside interests

Everyone must obtain prior approval if they wish to take on a role outside Linklaters which does not fall within one of the permitted exceptions since these roles may lead to possible conflicts of interest or liabilities which may impact on the ability of our people properly to perform their roles within the firm.


The firm must ensure that we comply with applicable tax regimes, including rules relating to any criminal offence of tax evasion.

How We Raise Concerns

We take any suggestion of a breach of our ethical standards, our values, or of our risk, compliance or HR policies seriously, and are committed to ensuring that everyone at Linklaters feels empowered to call out any behaviour that falls below expectations. We encourage everyone to raise any concerns so that the firm can take all appropriate steps to address any issues.There will be no repercussions for having raised genuine concerns in good faith. 


No regulatory framework or code of conduct can cover every potential ethical issue we may encounter. If a decision or action feels wrong, our people are encouraged to flag it, either to a partner or line manager or to a member of the HR or Risk teams.

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